.. _arxiv_categories.json#/: arxiv_categories ================ A category that currently exists on arXiv. Note that some categories have been renamed and are not in this list. These are taken from the `arXiv API documentation `_. :example: ``math.FA`` instead of its previous name, ``funct-an`` :type: ``string`` **Allowed values:** - astro-ph - astro-ph.CO - astro-ph.EP - astro-ph.GA - astro-ph.HE - astro-ph.IM - astro-ph.SR - cond-mat - cond-mat.dis-nn - cond-mat.mes-hall - cond-mat.mtrl-sci - cond-mat.other - cond-mat.quant-gas - cond-mat.soft - cond-mat.stat-mech - cond-mat.str-el - cond-mat.supr-con - cs - cs.AI - cs.AR - cs.CC - cs.CE - cs.CG - cs.CL - cs.CR - cs.CV - cs.CY - cs.DB - cs.DC - cs.DL - cs.DM - cs.DS - cs.ET - cs.FL - cs.GL - cs.GR - cs.GT - cs.HC - cs.IR - cs.IT - cs.LG - cs.LO - cs.MA - cs.MM - cs.MS - cs.NA - cs.NE - cs.NI - cs.OH - cs.OS - cs.PF - cs.PL - cs.RO - cs.SC - cs.SD - cs.SE - cs.SI - cs.SY - econ - econ.EM - eess - eess.AS - eess.IV - eess.SP - gr-qc - hep-ex - hep-lat - hep-ph - hep-th - math - math-ph - math.AC - math.AG - math.AP - math.AT - math.CA - math.CO - math.CT - math.CV - math.DG - math.DS - math.FA - math.GM - math.GN - math.GR - math.GT - math.HO - math.IT - math.KT - math.LO - math.MG - math.MP - math.NA - math.NT - math.OA - math.OC - math.PR - math.QA - math.RA - math.RT - math.SG - math.SP - math.ST - nlin - nlin.AO - nlin.CD - nlin.CG - nlin.PS - nlin.SI - nucl-ex - nucl-th - physics - physics.acc-ph - physics.ao-ph - physics.app-ph - physics.atm-clus - physics.atom-ph - physics.bio-ph - physics.chem-ph - physics.class-ph - physics.comp-ph - physics.data-an - physics.ed-ph - physics.flu-dyn - physics.gen-ph - physics.geo-ph - physics.hist-ph - physics.ins-det - physics.med-ph - physics.optics - physics.plasm-ph - physics.pop-ph - physics.soc-ph - physics.space-ph - q-bio - q-bio.BM - q-bio.CB - q-bio.GN - q-bio.MN - q-bio.NC - q-bio.OT - q-bio.PE - q-bio.QM - q-bio.SC - q-bio.TO - q-fin - q-fin.CP - q-fin.EC - q-fin.GN - q-fin.MF - q-fin.PM - q-fin.PR - q-fin.RM - q-fin.ST - q-fin.TR - quant-ph - stat - stat.AP - stat.CO - stat.ME - stat.ML - stat.OT - stat.TH